Yellow Pages
Red. & artiklar

Advertising rates:

                        Price SEK       Size

1/1 page              3.900:-   149 x 212 mm (the total size of the page is 170x245 mm)
1/2 page              2.160:-   149 x 103 mm
1/4 page              1.200:-     72 x 103 mm
1/8 page                 650:-     72 x 49 mm
”Yellow Pages”         300:-     72 x 22 mm *
”Yellow Pages”/an. 2.160:-                = 9 issues * 

* Our Yellow Pages are also published – with link and no extra charge – on this website. Look at them here

Discounts are allowed on the prices above on repeated insertions.

VAT is not included. VAT registered advertisers within the EU and advertisers outside the EU, will not be charged VAT.
Others will be charged VAT with 25%.
No extra charge for colours in the ads!

We print with 150 lines/inch (300 dpi)

We are also able to stitch in leaflets, enclose brochures etc. Please contact us for an offer!

Classified ads 60:– each
additional (in the same issue)  40:– each
These are accepted only against pre-payment!
The classified ads are reserved for collectors and clubs only – not for companies.
Max. approx. 25 words per ad.

Nordisk Filateli is published 9 times a year, just before 
the 1st in each month, except for January, July and August.

Copy deadline is around the 5th–10th in the previous month.
Exact date is stated on the first page on this website.